Gigabyte motherboard accessory GC-TPM2.0_S bulk compute securely with Gigabyte s TPM 2.0 solution These days security is on the forefront of everyone s mind. With Cyber criminals around the world actively trying to steal your financial and personal information, you need to do everything you can to protect yourself. While many users protect themselves with anti-virus programs and other software measures, the reality is if you want complete peace of mind you ll need to take things a step further and use a hardware based security solution. This is especially critical for employees such as accountants or insurance Agent where they handle personal information of many individuals. Thankfully there is a solution to help keep your precious data secure: a trusted Platform Module (TPM). adding another layer of security The TPM is a discrete cryptographic processor attached to a daughter board which plugs into the motherboard. The TPM securely stores your cryptographic key which can be
Upc: 813567025856
Weight: 1.000 lbs
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